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...with record snowfall

  • What: Most snowfall in record time (since Utah started keeping track in 1943)

  • Where: Officially recorded at Brighton Resort

  • When: March 23, 2023

  • Who: Every Utahn has noticed the snowfall, but skiers, boarders and those of us who like water are especially happy about it

  • Why: Sacrifices to the Norse god of skiing – or so my neighbors say


Photo collage of Brighton and signs.
Utah received over 700 inches of snowfall in record time. Brighton Ski Resort recorded the milestone on March 23, 2023.

Brighton Ski Resort officially recorded 703 inches of snowfall on March 23, 2023 - a milestone for Utah because of the record timeframe. Visit Salt Lake’s President and CEO Kaitlin Eskelson told Travel + Leisure, “To put this season’s snowfall in perspective, Utah typically receives an average of 500 inches per season. Seven hundred inches is the equivalent of ten cars stacked on top of each other.”

With all that snow, the skiers and boarders have come in force. During Brighton’s closing weekend, a traffic sign at the bottom of Big Cottonwood Canyon announced, “No parking available at Brighton. Seriously no kidding.” The sign didn’t lie. The parking lot had the feel of a jubilant, alpine festival, but no empty spots. The expensive-looking Tesla precariously tilted halfway on, halfway off a snowbank said it all.

Utah’s 2022-2023 snow-sport tourist totals aren’t in just yet, but chances are we had a couple additional visitors during this record season. They may go home with “Greatest Snow on Earth” bumper stickers, magnets and mugs.


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