Who: Roller Coaster (aka, White Roller Coaster, although it’s not so white anymore)
What: One of the country’s oldest coasters still in operation
When: Opened 1921
Why: Because coasters are awesome

One of the country’s oldest, still operational roller coasters has a very creative name: Roller Coaster. Some of the locals call it the White Roller Coaster because (you guessed it) the ride used to be white.
Super basic name choices aside, Lagoon Amusement Park’s Roller Coaster is one of the top seven oldest roller coasters that is still running. It might be the top six, five, four or even three – depending on which source you read. (USA Today puts it at number five, which seems both the most current and legit source, but I’m sure it’ll change again before I finish writing this.) Point is, this wooden coaster opened in 1921 and is still thrilling riders at a respectable 45 MPH. It’s an ACE Roller Coaster Landmark and on the National Register of Historic Places.
The Not-So-Little Coaster That Could had to fight for this honor. In 1953, a fire spread across Lagoon’s Midway area, damaging parts of the ride. The station and lift hill were rebuilt. It’s also one of the only wooden coasters remaining between Denver and the West Coast.
But, while some aspects of its appearance have changed, the ride experience has not. It’s survived painting, renovations, re-painting – and finally no painting, as treated wood pieces replaced old ones, no longer requiring the trademark white paint to preserve the wood. Despite the cosmetic differences, the layout and speed have remained the same.
This is good news for visitors. Lagoon has introduced newer, faster, wilder rides, such as Cannibal and Wicked, which both pack a powerful punch of total awesomeness. But there’s still something fun and even scary about the old-school wooden coaster throwing you around on its double out-and-back layout. Bonus points if you keep your keys in your pocket and your teeth in your head.